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Best airlines: United Airlines

Operates 3, 600 flights a day

United Airlines operates 3, 600 flights a day on United, United Express and Ted to more than 210 U.S. domestic and international destinations from its hubs in Los Angeles, San Fransisco, Denver, Chicago and Washington D.C. With key global air rights in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and Latin America, United also is a founding member of Star Alliance, which provides connections for our customers to 855 destinations in 155 countries worldwide. United´s 55,000 employees reside in every U.S. state and in many countries around the world. News releases and other information about United can be found at

Daily departures:3,600 | Annual Passengers:69,3 m

Countries served:28 (plus 2 U.S. territories) | Number of employees:55,000

Airports served:210 | Fleet:460

Major hub airports: Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Washington D.C.

Popular articles:

International destinations : cheap flights to Brazil