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Best airlines: Lufthansa, Germany

Swedish non-stop and direct flights to the US

Lufthansa is one of the world's largest and most prestigious airlines as well as an aviation group with a network of more than 400 subsidiaries around the globe.

These companies are either airlines or service companies operating in the logistics, MRO, catering, IT and leisure travel business areas. Large, modern and environmentally compatible the Lufthansa fleet comprises aircraft of almost every size. Throughout, state-of-the-art technology is used. The entire fleet complies with the most stringent noise criteria worldwide. Quality and innovation, safety and reliability remain the Lufthansa hallmarks and will also guarantee the success of the airline in the future.

Daily departures:1,957 | Annual Passengers:53.4 m

Countries served:78 | Number of employees:94,510

Airports served:192 | Fleet:430

Major hub airports: Frankfurt, Munich

Brazil flights : cheap airfare to Brazil